Eighteen years ago this month a group of people that I’ve come to call the Magi began something that has become the place for Salemites of good cheer to be during the holiday season.
It is the Salem Children’s Charity Christmas Party. It has only two purposes. One is to raise money to try to meet the often very basic (food, clothing, shelter) needs of Salem’s school children. The other is to have a great time involving fabulous food and wondrous camaraderie.
This year’s party will be held, as it has always been, at Victoria Station restaurant on Pickering Wharf. It starts at 5 PM on December 13 and includes a silent auction of many items (including an array of sports collectibles), a live auction and raffles. Admission remains $15. Please remember that every single cent raised goes to bringing happiness into the lives of our kids. The Magi don’t do “overhead.”
Where does the money go?
• A teacher notes that none of the 4 brothers and sisters who attend her school is wearing a jacket on a cold day. She investigates a bit and finds a sad story that explains why the kids don’t have coats. She notifies Mark Higgins, Carlton School principal and administrator of funds for Salem Children’s Charity. Presto. The kids have coats.
• A young mother, alone and struggling, is heartbroken that she will not be able to provide a Thanksgiving dinner for her little ones. Someone in the Salem school community discovers this. Salem Children’s Charity is notified. Done! Turkey and all the trimmings!
• A little girl tells Santa that she hopes he will bring her something for Christmas because she knows that Mommy and Daddy can’t get her a present this year. She doesn’t know that Santa happens to be one of the folks who make Salem Children’s Charity possible. There will be presents…and a tree to put them under.
These are a small sample of the things accomplished, some major, some minor, year ‘round by Salem Children’s Charity.
I hope you will be able to come to Victoria Station on December 13. If you can’t make it and you want to help out you can send a donation to Salem Children’s Charity, C/O Mr. Mark Higgins, Principal, Witchcraft Heights School, 1 Frederick Street Street, Salem, MA 01970.
God Bless Us, Everyone!
Brendan Walsh